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Importance and Benefits Of Hospitality


How long has it been since you went to a friend’s house or invited someone to your home? In our hectic and busy lives, we often overlook hospitality's importance. Our intentions are good, but the importance of hospitality seems to take a back seat to all the other things we have going on in our lives. It’s what we mean to do, but never seem to get around to.

Hospitality in Simple Words:
Hospitality is all about making guests/customers/ people feel at home. It’s a way of showing care. It's a way of showing concern.
When you invite someone into your place, whether it be just to visit, spend the evening, for a meal, or for however long a time, you are inviting them into what is usually a personal/private part of your life. It is a chance for you to know them better, make them feel comfortable and serve them to make them happy and satisfied.

Benefits of Hospitality:
Here are the 12 benefits of hospitality.  

1. Helps build better relationships- Providing hospitality is a great way to start building a better relationship with people. Providing hospitality is a great way to bring people closer.

2. Helps to see from a different perspective- Folks are wondrously different. Everyone has their own perspective as to how they see the world. Through hospitality, you can enlarge your own opinions and way of thinking.

3. Reminds, what you have to offer- Sometimes we forget stuff that we have to offer. Hospitality reminds and indeed reminds you of the things you have to offer to your guest.

4. Helps build your support network-When you invite natives over, and you start cultivating friendships and relationships, it does build your support network. It also gives your friend helpful insights that they might need to support you. Your buddies can’t secretly drop off a care package on your porch if they have no idea as to where you live.

5. It’s a way to display love-Nothing in the world shows love for your people, like spending quality time, and welcoming and treating them into your home. 

6.Provides a way for you to set a good example- Not everyone has great role models. By being hospitable and inviting folks into your home, you have a fantastic chance to set a good example for the people and the society.

7. Let others know they are significant-Nothing can make someone feel more important than an invite over to your place. Practicing hospitality can make people feel that they are important and being heard.

8. Keeps that connection-Social media is not and can never be a substitute for face to face interaction. But, providing hospitality can help feel connected. Providing hospitality can help you get that positive energy, that positive vibe and that positivity from your guest.

9. Makes you happier-When you feel supported, backed, associated and connected, it makes you happier as well.

10. Gives you something to look forward to-When you invite someone over to your home and when they accept your invitation, you always look forward to their coming. So, practicing hospitality gives you something to look forward to.

11. Good incentive to clean your space-You do NOT have to have a clean place to invite someone over. This is a great incentive because there’s a deadline of when you need it done by and consequences if you don’t make it.

12. Offers a chance to help-When you are going through tough times, you do not always put it on SM.  Social media shows the best parts of a person’s life, generally. 

If someone is in genuine need, they will be much more likely to tell you about it (which gives you a chance to assist) if the conversation is in person. 

Hospitality, The Industry:
The hospitality industry is a large subsection within the service industry and comprises four major areas: Lodging, Food & beverage, travel & tourism and recreation. As examples, the F&B category includes coffee shops, restaurants, bars and food trucks; travel & tourism covers different forms of transportation, tour operators and travel agencies; lodging varies from hotel resorts to hostels; recreation refers to leisure activities such as wellness, sports and entertainment. While all sectors are interconnected and reliant on each other, many of these sectors are fast evolving due to newer technological advancements and changing customer mind-sets.

Final Thoughts:
Now that we have looked at some of the importance and benefits of hospitality, how does one actually behave hospitably?

It is through a positive orientation towards customers/guests. And through enthusiasm and the willingness to recognize and meet a guest’s implicit needs and requirements.